Spanish Online Learning

Spanish language from Wikipedia. Naming and origin, geographic distribution, dialectal variation, classification and related languages, history, writing system, phonology, grammar, samples, etc

BBC - Languages - Spanish BBC Languages - Learn Spanish in your own time and have fun. Lots of online language learning materials at various levels.

Learn how to speak Spanish - Qué Onda is the ultimate web app for learning Spanish with audio lessons, games, and an active questions and answers forum

Education: Languages: Spanish from Open Directory, the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. Spanish courses, schools and other programs. Also see DMOZ: Spanish Learning

Spanish phrasebook - from WikiTravel. Pronunciation Guide: Vowels, Consonants, Diphthongs, Accents and stress. Phrase list: Basics, Problems, Numbers, Time, Transportation, Lodging, Money, Eating, Shopping, Authority, etc

Spanish Exercises, Quizzes, Tests from E.L. Easton. Lots of Grammar and Vocabulary exercises, quizzes, tests (Por-Para ... Preterite-Imperfect, Ser-Estar ... Verbs)

Spanish Grammar Exercises Activities: Adjectives & Nouns, Adverbs, Articles, Command Forms, Comparisons, Tenses, Demonstrative Adjectives, Verbs like Gustar, Interrogative Words, Negative/Affirmative Words, etc

Learn Spanish Free from Pronunciation and Spanish grammar tutorials, verb drills to master verb tenses, vocabulary, travel helper, daily word, idioms, etc.

Quia - Spanish make your own learning activities.

Practice Exams for Spanish Courses from Cornell College Department of Spanish.

Spanish Vocabulary - word lists are arranged by categories

Spanish Language Practice / Páginas de ayuda para estudiar español(Enrique Yepes, Bowdoin Spanish Grammar Explanations, Exercises, and Practice Materials to learn Spanish. Intermediate and Advanced levels. Answers provided.

Spanish Websites free Spanish tutorials, grammar exercises, games, lessons, free audio, pronunciation and comprehension, lesson plans, worksheets, and other activities and materials.

Listen to Spanish and learn Spanish with podcasts in Spanish real conversations in spanish from spain

Best Spanish Web Sites A website designed for students of Spanish and their teachers, helpful aids for learning the language. Lots of related links.